Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Predictive Health: Best Ethics Blogs - January 2008

This is the first in a series of monthly posts in which I share some of my favorite posts on the ethical, legal and social issues of predictive health research and medicine. A public and open discussion of these issues will increase the likelihood that individuals and communities will realize the benefits of advances in genetic and personalized medicine, human genome sequencing, predictive neuroimaging, biobanking, and health IT. PredictER Blog commends the following blogs for doing their part to inform and foster dialogue.

Listed by Topic and Date:


Biobanking and you. Sue Trinidad, Women's Bioethics Blog. 19 January 2008.
In the one of the first of what I hope will be long series, Sue Trinidad asks good questions about informed consent and reminds us that even "anonymized" DNA samples might be identifiers. She writes: "nothing is a more precise identifier of who you are than your so-called genetic fingerprint. Is this worrisome?"

Should genetic researchers be able to share your DNA? Sue Trinidad, Women's Bioethics Blog. 23 January 2008.
In her second post on ethical issues of genetic research and biobanks, Trinidad adds additional compelling questions, including: "If you'd consented to participate in that study at your local research university, how would you feel about your (de-identified) information being used by researchers somewhere else?" and "Say the researchers did [a] breast cancer study, and in the course of that work they noticed that there seemed to be a correlation between certain genetic patterns and alcoholism or schizophrenia. Would it be ok with you for them to pursue this line of inquiry using your genetic information?"

Consumer Genomics

American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Statement on Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing. Hsien-Hsien Lei, Eye on DNA. 2 January 2008.
Getting the month off to a good start, Hsien-Hsien Lei reviews the ASHG's policy statement [PMID: 18055737 excerpt] on Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing. Lei makes the following observation:"With increased competition in the field of direct-to-consumer personal genomics in 2008, I predict that only companies that can fully address the [ASHG] recommendations ... will survive .... Consumers are getting up to speed on what genetic testing can offer them and won’t settle for fuzzy, incomplete information."

Also see Lei's related posts on the subject, including: "The New England Journal of Medicine Gives Direct-to-Consumer Genome Scans Thumbs Down" (Eye on DNA, 10 January 2008).

Do I need a personal trainer or a personal genetic counsellor? Myles Axton, Free Association. 11 January 2008.In the editor's blog of the journal Nature Genetics, Myles Axton reviews the NEJM editorial “Letting the Genome out of the Bottle--will we get our wish?” (Hunter DJ, Khoury MJ, Drazen JM. N Engl J Med 2008; 358 (2):105-7. PMID:18184955 excerpt) Axton appreciates the skepticism and applauds "efforts to build genetics into every stage of medical education", but adds: "The authors have some good points, but largely ignore the unpredictable motivational potential inherent in handing people their genomes and asking them to participate in finding out more about their variation and phenotypes. Sometimes, the best doctor will say “we don’t know yet, let’s find out together”.

Privacy Issues

Your personal health: The internet and privacy. Deepak Singh, businessbytesgenesmolecules (bbgm). 2 January 2008.
Singh compares the success of Web 2.0, which relies, in part on "the forfeiture of privacy" to the rise of consumer genomics. Singh writes: "the moment you leave your footprint online, you are giving away some of your privacy. The moment you sign up for a genomic service, you are giving away some of your privacy. The question we need to answer is a simple one in a way. Is the benefit we get from being online, or getting yourself genotyped, worth the loss of privacy?" Singh has obviously traded some of his privacy for the benefits of Web 2.0; will he do the same for consumer genomics?

Respecting patient privacy preferences. John D. Halamka, Life as a Healthcare CIO. 21 January 2008.
Halamka is Chief Information Officer of CareGroup Health System and Harvard Medical School, a practicing Emergency Physician, a participant in the Personal Genome Project, and (among many more things) a vegan. Halamka writes: "One of the greatest challenges for healthcare information exchanges is to ensure continuity of care for patients while also respecting patient privacy preferences." He envisions a future in which electronic consent wizard will support a truly itemized process for sharing personal medical records and health data. Patients and research participants, might provide very specific consent statements, for example: "If I'm unconscious in an emergency room, share everything including mental health, substance abuse and HIV status data. If I'm visiting a Minuteclinic do not include my mental health and substance abuse history. If I'm sharing my data for a population-based research study, do not include my HIV status."

Whole Genome Sequencing

The ethical challenges of whole-genome sequencing part 1. Daniel MacArthur, Genetic Future. 22 January 2008.
In the first of a two(?) part post reviewing "Research ethics and the challenge of whole-genome sequencing" (McGuire AL, Caulfield T, Cho MK. Nat Rev Genet 2008; 9 (2):152-6. PMID:18087293), MacArthur summarizes advances in whole-genome sequencing technologies and evaluates the authors' comments on: the return of genome data to participants, the provision of clinical follow-up, and the integration of genome data and medical records. If you've read the NRG commentary, you'll be interested in this post; if you don't have a subscription to journal, you'll value MacArthur's outline of the issues. In his forthcoming part 2, MacArthur plans to "discuss the other major ethical challenges discussed in the NRG commentary: obligations to close relatives of study participants, and future uses of samples and data." Stay tuned! -J.O.


Unknown said...

This is a great idea. Thank you - looking forward to future installments! Dana

Unknown said...

I'm glad you liked it. If I miss any good posts, let me know. Jere